AI – en lekstuga eller nytta?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Artificial Intelligence, a playground of sorts, is vomiting tools and models, credible or otherwise. The perfect illustration is the Johnny Cash rendition of ’Barbie Girl’. But where are the benefits? Is AI just a game or the start of something productive? Join in the debate in an upcoming blog post.

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Personlig AI OKR nu!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Dive into the future of artificial intelligence (AI) – a realm teeming with risks and rewards! Embrace AI to find your glasses, order food, and get dating advice! Beware robot uprisings, digital Alzheimer’s, and competing with robots in outer space! Undeniably, AI will revolutionize democracy but it also poses ethical and legal challenges. Get ready to set your own AI goals before you turn irrelevant. The AI age – it’s not just for the nerds anymore. Wake up before you get lost!

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AI en demokratifråga?

Reading Time: < 1 minute The author, a member of an AI team, considers the possibility of democracy being replaced by ’dataism’ in 10 years, where algorithms define society. They note that jobs in banking and finance are expected to severely decline due to AI by 2027. Unions are criticized for their inaction. The author recommends educating oneself about AI and proposes the need for ’AI educators’ in organizations.

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