As a follower i jumped on the opportunity to have a pre-read of this new book by Jurgen Appleo. Most known as the author behind the book Management 3.0 that has opened a lot of doors for me when selling agile.
The book itself is a 200 pager with rich illustrations but with a size i had troubles with. The book is very wide and hard to hold and the wideness is also impacting the reading as the lines are very long. A new experience for me at least which i don’t feel comfortable with as a speed-reader.
The content of the book is split up in 25 short chapters. Each chapter representing a useful tool or a process to become a successful startup. As the titles says it’s all about startups and how they should navigate but i hade some hopes on more on the scaling part, when the startups matured and have to grow in size – forced to leave the true agile values behind in favor of coordination. For a startup without an agile coach this book is unvaluable and a receipt for increased success probability but for us others this book at tops can inspire trying some new tools.
The things i bring back from this book is the many interviews and quotes from practitioners out there having tried and always succeeded. It would have been nice with some balance and also hear from the many failing startups what they should have done instead but i guess that is not the world of Jurgen?
In the light of the book Management 3.0 that for me still is a top-10 book i hade expected much more and can only give this **.

Detta var en bokrecension av mig. Vill du veta varför och hur jag gör dessa så kan du läsa om mig som boknörd här!