A while ago there was a Gallup survey telling us only 32 percent of the 67,000 full- and part-time employees surveyed were engaged in their work, while 18 percent were actively disengaged. Active disengagement has risen each year since 2020. The remaining respondents—50 percent—were neither engaged nor actively disengaged.
Engagement is an intrinsic attitude that denotes an employee’s enthusiasm for his or her job. (Commitment, on the other hand, denotes an employee’s enthusiasm for the company he or she works for.)
My immediate reflection was that these numbers must be wrong or/and biased by the American culture where the respondents were. Only 32% of us are engaged and 50% of us only goes to work and back again (disengaged)? 18% are fighting for the status quo (actively disengaged)? So, i did some research at my own company which consist of 204 persons, where 30 are consultants, 40 are employees and the rest (134) are internal stakeholders to us. First i did a analytics check in my ”master” MS Teams space where most of our information goes. You will find the analytics tab under Manage team. Below our score for one month. Next i created my own metric for engagement which consist of four sub-metrics:
1(4) Interactions

Based on this analytics view, i focused on posts, replies and reactions and invented my own formula i call Interactions:
- Members = Users – Stakeholders (score 204-134 = 70)
- Attention = Posts*3 + Replies*2 + Reactions*1 (Score 78+96+141 = 315)
- Interactions = Members/Attention (score 70/315 = 22%)
My formula should give more points for posts by non-managers but that will be for next version.
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