Reading Time: < 1 minute Bryr du dig om ditt företag? Amerikanska studier säger att 80% av arbetarna i USA ”går till jobbet” endast. De…
Reading Time: 3 minutes I did quick research of the available leadership training on the internet, and after discussions with these training companies, I…
Reading Time: 2 minutes The general approach for a Swedish coach is inclusiveness, which involves and activates the brains in the team. I often…
Reading Time: 5 minutes My non-IT friends makes a joke of me, always asking what I do for a living. Its really hard to…
Reading Time: 2 minutes In the face of upcoming challenges in 2023, HR needs a revolution. Distaste for HR’s reactive methods is high, highlighted by widespread ’quiet quitting’. The solution? HR must shift focus from individuals to teams, involving all in big decisions, ensuring work-life balance, and streamlining recruitment. Moreover, HR should enhance each team’s development, and automate where possible. This provocative stance argues that only by revolutionizing HR can we re-initiate employee engagement and productivity.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Inför den kommande utdelningen av priset årets tvivlare så ska jag här definera denna kuf som genomsyrar allt jag gör.…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Way back in 2001 I was working as a solo software developer and not working in teams, just doing my…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Denna lilla skrift på 80 sidor med mycket bilder behandlar Folksams IT resa från år 1945-1985. Boken skrevs 1995. Boken…
Reading Time: 2 minutes As a follower i jumped on the opportunity to have a pre-read of this new book by Jurgen Appleo. Most…
Reading Time: 3 minutes ELI5 (Explain Like I am 5 years old) is a great acronym to remember and to shout out when people…